
Programs that can help you Claim your Power Within and become Powerful Beyond Measure

On-Line Programs

Intuition Mastery Summit

Receive 27 days of EXPERTS speaking on strengthening and building your connection to your Intuition that can benefit all areas of your life. Each speakers shares some of their personal stories as to how intuition has impacted their lives and offers tools to learn to trust and listen to your inner-wisdom, the voice of your soul.

As a bonus, we have created Main Points that were shared in each interview to help you gain easy access to the information and techniques that you can put to practice in your life.

In addition, you’ll receive 27 FREE gifts from all our experts and four additional BONUS GIFTS from your co-hosts: Lynnis Woods-Mullins and Cynthia Mazzaferro. When you open your Intuitive Treasure Chest filled with Gifts you’ll reap many rewards that each has to offer. (Valued at over $5,000).

Click here to purchase this powerful Intuition Mastery Summit and receive all 27 audio MP3 audio interviews of the phenomenal field of experts, the practical and easy to access Main Points as a permanent resource, and all 27 FREE Gifts plus the 4 additional added BONUSES from your co-hosts. This Intuition Mastery Summit will totally change your connection and relationship with yourself, your Soul, and how you will learn to trust that inner- wisdom and guidance that is there for your greatest good. Just wait to see what shows up in your life. Talk about Powerful Beyond Measure!

Mastering Your Family’s Emotional

Health and Wellness

Are you ready for a happier and more harmonious family life? Mastering your Family’s Emotional Health and Wellness is a 2 month ( 8 lesson) comprehensive self-paced on line program that creates dynamic results for every member of the family. Learn key elements to use within your family that promotes emotional security and transparency and a freedom to openly express ones self. Eliminate the toxic energy that is stored within from not being able to openly emotional express yourself and feel accepted, and loved.

Creating emotional health from the inside – out is the greatest gift you can give oneself and bring to your family.

CLICK HERE to learn more what this fabulous self-paced Mastering Your Family’s Emotional Health and Wellness program includes, it’s benefits, and what results you can expect to see.


Year Long Healing Activations

Receive 12 months of Healing Activations with 12 focuses that bring profound healing and tools/techniques to help you with many aspects that could be impacting your life in a negative way and limiting your success. These MP3 audio tapes are extremely powerful offering rich, practical, and inspiring content.

Topics include:  Revealing Miracles: New Year, New You; Loving Yourself so others can Love YOU too; Time to Get Unstuck and Move Successfully Forward; Personal Development: Resolution, Acceptance, and Freedom; Gifts from Within: Self-Expression, Trust, and Inner Wisdom; Improved Relationships and Family Dynamics; Forgiveness: Overcoming Anger and Resentment; Courage for Dealing with Fear; Personal Transformation from Within; Success, Abundance, and Gratitude; Confidence Overcoming Overwhelm and Anxiety.

The guided meditations in each of the Healing Activations have Reiki infused energy that is delivered to you where ever you are that provides powerful release, healing on all levels, and strengthening within.

With the 12 Healing Activations, you also receive 12 Master Guidebooks that support each of the sessions. Receiving the year long Healing Activation allows you a permanent access to listen to them in any order based on your individual needs.

Click here to purchase the entire 12 months of Healing Activations as a permanent resource

Interactive – Programs

Soul Messages:

Connecting to Your Intuition

Join monthly on the second and fourth Tuesday evening at 8 pm eastern (5 pm pacific) and get laser Intuitive Coaching. Ask your questions and see the connection of what is going on in your life and the message from your inner self. Use your powerful sense of self, to reveal your authentic truth: easily, accurately, and naturally!

If you participate in the weekly Powerful Beyond Measure Intuitive Soul Readings (You can access them on Facebook Here), you know how profound and relevant the inspirational messages are. Join us on these interactive phone calls. Either join for one month at a time or join with a annual membership subscription and receive 2 months free.

Click Here to join us in Soul Messages: Connecting to Your Intuition.

As a BONUS for the Year Long Subscription you’ll also receive the Soul Diary that allows you to write your weekly Powerful Beyond Measure Inspirational Soul Messages in a beautiful journal, as well as, the wisdom that you receive from these calls.