“It all started in September, 2014. I always wanted to take a class about learning to be a better person, learn to think on a more positive note and all in all pull the better me to the surface. Then I saw this class called “The Power Within, Improving Your Body and Mind” by Cindy Mazzaffero and I thought, “this sounds perfect! …”
“It all started in September, 2014. I always wanted to take a class about learning to be a better person, learn to think on a more positive note and all in all pull the better me to the surface. Then I saw this class called “The Power Within, Improving Your Body and Mind” by Cindy Mazzaffero and I thought, “this sounds perfect!”
So when I went to sign up for the class, it was full. Figures!, this would happen to me, right? So I decided to take another class. While in the elevator of UConn someone was talking about how there were so many people inquiring about this “Power Within” class that they put the instructor into a bigger classroom and opened up the enrollment again. Wow, good thing I took that elevator ride and not the next one! So after my class that I’d already been scheduled and paid for, I went to the office and transferred to Cindy’s class.
I started the following week and as soon as I came in, I was given some print outs to fill out and hand in so that I could catch up. One was a “Positivity Self-Test”. I can do this I thought. I’m pretty positive. I was trying to rush threw all these lessons that I missed from the previous week, really not putting too much thinking into it because I wanted to rush and get it done, I handed it in. The following week I got it back. My heart dropped, I scored low. Her corrections stated that my positive emotions were low and I should try to bring down my negative level as well. Negative level? Low positive emotions? You’ve got to be kidding me… I’m thinking “how could she say that about me. She doesn’t even know me”. I’m very positive! It totally blew my mind. Enough that it bothered the heck out of me. Now thinking that I’m not negative, I was surely negative now.
Then I got this “Welcome” sheet which asked me to tell about myself, my personal struggles, health, why I wanted to attend this class and what I’d like to accomplish in 10 week and my goals. Whoa, wait a minute, this is going way too fast for me. I don’t know how to answer these questions. But I took the time to answer them, but in the back of my mind, I was thinking that after my first hand out, I probable was going to answer these wrong too. I still did the lesson though.
Cindy then wanted us to write about our journey from ages 0 – 16 and up unto the present and what our successes were. OK, well now I’m thinking maybe this class is a bit too heavy for me. Maybe I shouldn’t have taken this class. I don’t know the how to answers to these questions and I’m now I am getting frustrated.
So I went home and told my husband how I felt about what Cindy was having us do and maybe I made a mistake, maybe I should drop out. My husband being the positive person that he is, said that I should not give up and continue on with the course, give it a little time. It was only the beginning of the course. He said that Cindy was probably trying to get me to express myself. There was a reason for her teaching. How on earth did this man see what I was overlooking?
Alright, I’ll try again. So I put a smile on my face, tried to think positive, put on my big girl panties and off to class I went. Then the storm blew in. My next assignment was to write 3 affirmations. We had to start our sentence with “I AM”, and not put one negative word in it. I was having the worse time ever. I thought, “this is going to be IMPOSSIBLE” for me to do. OMG I loathed them. Evidently, I wasn’t getting what she meant because every single time I wrote one, I knew it was WRONG. I’m now gritting my teeth. This class is supposed to help me not make me want to scream. To top it off, she encouraged us to think about what we wanted in our life, what would make us happy. This should be easy I thought but boy was it hard. Others were struggling with this concept too. I was more negative after these affirmations then I was according to my positivity test. I just couldn’t do this assignment. I mentioned to my husband, again, that these affirmations were really starting to get on my nerves. I was actually getting angry.
So with the grace of God and a lot of praying, she finally let up on these damn “affirmations”. We started doing energy testing which I knew nothing about but I was really kind of liking them. It was amazing how Cindy showed us how to check our own energy and how she could positively impact people who demonstrated right in front of our eyes. I was amazed and very interested. I started to feel better in class but of course when Cindy tested my energy, my energy was low. Here comes that negativity again. I’m thinking I can’t even test right with my energy. I felt like a misfit toy. She gave me exercises to bring up my energy, which I did, and my energy changed. Cindy taught us that when your energy level is sluggish, impeded then your physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual aspects can be impacted. Hey I’m doing something right, actually the exercises were doing something right! The class to me was finally starting to be fun. I guess because I wasn’t being asked of anything to consider and evaluate. Energy was very interesting and I really enjoyed it. But every so often she bring up those darn affirmations again. Cindy asked us to start stating our affirmations daily, trying to manifest what we desired and also to start writing in journals. Oh no, not more writing. I started writing in my journal but started to realize and picked up on negative words or phrases I’d written and I just gave up thinking that, this wasn’t working for me.
Behind all these lessons that I wasn’t happy doing, my mind had become very aware of everything I was doing and saying. I’m thinking I must be filled with a whole lot of negativity because I just keep using the wrong words and was hearing them myself now all the time. They were as if they were stuck in my vocabulary. It’s like I’m more aware of how I speak and think. Now my eyes were beginning to open. Hmm, is the positive influence of Cindy Mazzaffero coming out of me? Are her words finally sinking in?
There was something inside of me that I felt and knew that this is exactly where I was supposed to be, but there was also a little hesitance in there as well. That was the negative doing a number on my head. I just felt that I really wasn’t smart enough to do this work. I don’t like someone asking me a lot of questions, even privately, never did, and now I’m getting asked to do things that were uncomfortable and I just couldn’t think of how to answer. Again, I complained to my husband and again he saw the situation totally different. I was thinking maybe he should have taken this class because he’s getting it more than me. It was my ego that was doing my talking and thinking and I felt defeated. Here come’s my negative again. My husband was seeing the positive in my exercises and I was feeling that I just couldn’t do it. I really wasn’t giving myself any credit for how smart I really was. I was actually judging myself. I believe that Cindy saw this in me. She was actually trying to help me! WOW! I gotta BINGO! Now I’m starting to see that the lessons weren’t the problem, it was me that was the problem and it was time for me to stop being defensive and judgmental and allow myself to become vulnerable and that all these teachings will eventually sink in, if I only let it.
As time went on, my eyes started to open. I started realizing that all these exercises were for a reason but before I knew it, the course was ending. Darn it, isn’t that always the way. In the days ahead, I took some me time and let all that information in (except those darn affirmations, which was the absolute devil to me) and started to review in my mind what I’d taken with me from this course. I realized that Cindy was on a mission to help empower me to see that I am a wonderful person. That I am smart, funny, have a good heart and it’s very important to love myself first. I wasn’t loving myself. All my energy went to everyone around me and I neglected me. I now have to take the negative out of my life. It’s my choice as to whether I want to carry it or not. It is not healthy.
Amazingly, I have now been able to put all this negativity behind me using the various techniques Cindy taught us and I feel like a totally different person. I feel wonderful! I’ve been able to see where all the negativity lies around me and I’ve learned it’s NOT my burden and I’m NOT going to take it. Don’t get me wrong, I do have days that the old me wants to return, but the new me is so much strong and that takes over. It’s like I’m wearing an Armor and I’m resisting all these enemy’s when they try to attack. In closing I must say that I’m very happy that I chose to stay in the class because even though I struggled through it, it made me a better person. I finally got it and I thank Cindy for it. I wake up every day happy and feel blessed. I see all my beautiful surroundings and my eyes working on seeing only the good. I have found my “Power Within” and when you claim it, your life unfolds, your joy is so profound and unbelievable changes start to happen in your life.
I felt I had learned so much, I signed up to take the follow-up class. I couldn’t wait to start her class again. Low and behold what was my first lesson? AFFIRMATIONS…. AAAAAAAHHHH. I wanted to scream! But Cindy took time out of your personal time with your husband, “ON VACATION” and replied to a desperate email. She helped me with thinking through what the problem was with affirmations. I kind of started to get it, but I was still a little frazzled, but something started to click. The next day, a peace came over me, I am not sure why, but it was like someone turned up the light. I wrote down an affirmation statement and corrected it myself. By the end of the week, I couldn’t wait to see Cindy and show her my accomplishments. I was so happy that I could do them on my own. If there was anything that I wanted to share, I wouldn’t have to say it in front of anyone. It was so nice walk in and to see this wonderful person that I can say changed my life. After all the time, that I felt I was doing something wrong, I never looked at it as someone was going to help me to look at it differently, to empower me to make the changes. I can’t thank her enough for that.
So in closing, now in stage 2 of my life, Cindy, you are the second person who has also changed me to be a more positive, and HAPPY person. You helped to pick me up when I have fallen again. Taught me to see that I am a wonderful, beautiful person who has so much more to give and I look forward to even growing more and more. Thank you for that.
I now believe, it is time for me to actually live my “IDEAL LIFE” my way. I am finally “SPEAKING UP” for myself and have learned to “BE ME”. I am a very “TRADITIONAL” person, “PURE” of heart and full of “SPIRIT”. . I have also learned that “YOU WILL NEVER WALK ALONE.” You just have to believe in yourself. Now when I look in the mirror, all I see is “PRETTY” & “BEAUTIFUL” I’ve learned….. “DON’T QUIT”, DON’T FEAR” & “STAY CALM”. “SUCCESS” is right around the corner. “WHAT EVER MY STORY IS”……..I know that “I AM”……”SUPER”!
Cindy, words are not enough, to express my gratitude. I send you my testimony with the most love and blessings I have to offer….(and that’s a whole lot!)“
Love Love Love, Mary Janus
“I have attended three of Cindy Mazzaferro’s Energy Medicine workshops. I am a “prove it to me” person and was a bit skeptical at first. Right away we did some simple activities that proved the reality of what Cindy is teaching. It really astounded me! …”
“I have attended three of Cindy Mazzaferro’s Energy Medicine workshops. I am a “prove it to me” person and was a bit skeptical at first. Right away we did some simple activities that proved the reality of what Cindy is teaching. It really astounded me!
The workshop was a high-energy experience as we were taught how to raise our own energy levels with positive attitudes and some simple physical exercises.
Cindy is energetic, forthright, and personal in her approach to her students. We each had the opportunity to have some of her attention to our individual energy issues during the class.
The fact that Cindy is a trained Physical Therapist and Reiki Practitioner adds to her professional credentials and gives her students a comfort level with the physical and energy field aspects of her presentation.
I find that by applying what I have learned in the workshops that I can have abundant energy and health to enjoy my life!“
Amy Webb
Private Music Teacher
“I was fortunate enough to attend a workshop by Cindy Mazzaferro on Positive and Energy Medicine sponsored by my gym. I am always interested not only in ways to make myself happier and healthier, but also in finding ways to enable me to better share my own wellness with others. Something about the description of this event gave me the feeling that it might offer me some general tools for creating positive interactions and helping others to feel more confident. I am very glad that I followed my intuition, both because it was all that I expected and also because it was so much more. Cindy was a skilled presenter who instantly grabbed her audience’s attention…“
“I was fortunate enough to attend a workshop by Cindy Mazzaferro on Positive and Energy Medicine sponsored by my gym. I am always interested not only in ways to make myself happier and healthier, but also in finding ways to enable me to better share my own wellness with others. Something about the description of this event gave me the feeling that it might offer me some general tools for creating positive interactions and helping others to feel more confident. I am very glad that I followed my intuition, both because it was all that I expected and also because it was so much more. Cindy was a skilled presenter who instantly grabbed her audience’s attention. I was an active participant, but in a way I was a skeptic. I was glad to be reminded of the need to stay positive in one’s approach to others, but I felt a bit overly confident about myself, thinking that I already live by many of these suggested standards. I rated my self-esteem as very high, so I was even more skeptical when my positivity ratio was not ideal. “I have a lot of emotions. What’s the big deal?” is what I thought. Then, I was ever more doubtful during the energy demonstration, denying that energy could be manipulated so easily. I admired the fact that Cindy had her audience so involved, that she was actually working with them and able to shape their energies during the workshop, but I was not sure it would be lasting or that it was not some kind of a “placebo effect.”
I was exhausted from a very long day. My exhaustion likely had added to my somewhat doubting attitude at the seminar. I went to sleep. Then, I woke up the next morning. My day started normally. It was a bit frantic, as usual. Then, when the initial errands were all done, and I had successfully gotten myself out to where I needed to be, I started to notice how I was feeling. Something was odd. Gosh, I had a lot of energy. At first, I just accepted this and moved on with my day. But as the day went on, something kept poking at my mind. “Really, this is weird. I feel SO good.” I did not make any connection to the workshop until much later that night. It was, unfortunately, while I was in a heated argument with my partner. At some point, I realized that this argument, unlike all the others, was not going to get me upset. I knew that everything was going to be okay, and I was secure in what he and I are both capable of achieving, when we put our minds to it. “I am just so strong today,” I said to myself. And then the light bulb went off! “Oh my! The workshop! Somehow my energy must have gotten strengthened, my outlook, approach had been significantly impacted. Wow, and I did not even fully believe!”
I think that Cindy offers a powerful tool in a manageable package. I could see how much she affected and captured the attention of everyone in the room. I would highly recommend her services to groups of all kinds, since it is a noninvasive fun way to bring about changes that are so important, and quite simply just feel so good! God has blessed you and chosen to make you a healer!”
Kelly S.
“The title The Power Within was an instant draw for me, since it’s a journey I’ve been on for quite some time. The inner quest to tap into the divine within. Yoga has furthered that mind/body connection and stillness in meditation has erased much of the mind chatter we call it “citta vritti”. You are a delightful and very insightful teacher, full of enthusiasm and compassion. You truly have a gift and you allow your inner guidance to show you how to be a channel to help others. One of the outstanding qualities I see about your teaching is your follow -up each week reviewing what was expressed in class and the absolute positive response you give. Your dedication is truly admired.…“
“The title The Power Within was an instant draw for me, since it’s a journey I’ve been on for quite some time. The inner quest to tap into the divine within. Yoga has furthered that mind/body connection and stillness in meditation has erased much of the mind chatter we call it “citta vritti”. You are a delightful and very insightful teacher, full of enthusiasm and compassion. You truly have a gift and you allow your inner guidance to show you how to be a channel to help others. One of the outstanding qualities I see about your teaching is your follow -up each week reviewing what was expressed in class and the absolute positive response you give. Your dedication is truly admired. It spills out of who you are. Combining all the different aspects we learned about the invisible, ever present energy work has been a new learning experience for me. I suspect we have just scratched the surface on this subject. Its taking me a while to absorb it. I’d be interested in doing some Reiki sessions with you as I know I have some blockages in my being where I need to release and let go. I am also aware there a stubborn streak in me and a miss know it all attitude which gets in my way of learning new things but I am working on it. You are a beautiful, compassionate soul. The light in me honors the light in you.“
Namaste Clementine